═══ 1. About Toyland ═══ Copyright (C) 1995 Rainald Menge Toyland 0.8 for OS/2 Public Version [Beta] The game, the documentation and the graphics are under Copyright (C) 1995 by Rainald Menge. They may be copied only in their original form with the copyright notice. Please report errors of any kind to me at: menge@rrz.uni-koeln.de ═══ 2. Toyland ═══ o What is Toyland o Playing Toyland o Control (Menus, Toolbar) o Creating Your Own Levels o Playing HOBBES o Playing CHESS o Playing CPUs o Where to Find More Information o How to Register o Starting Toyland o Installing Toyland o Error Messages o The Music of Toyland o I would like to thank... ═══ 2.1. Versions ═══ o This is the public demo o The registered version will be available in November - however this will still be a beta version. o Version 1.0 will be available by the end of the year. o There will be more add-ons for registered users next year (you won't have to pay extra money for those) ═══ 2.2. What is Toyland? ═══ Toyland is a game for OS/2. It has been tested by 33 beta testers for nearly 3 months now. The game uses MMOS/2 for sound and will have music as well. Currently you can control the game with the mouse and the keyboard but there will be joystick control as well. The game is Shareware. So there will be a shareware version which will feature two states with a few levels and a registered version with all of the states / levels. An import / export function for your own levels (they can be exchanged via email) and free future updates (new states, level-sets). ═══ 2.3. Copyright ═══ Toyland is Shareware, Copyright (C) 1995 Rainald Menge This software is provided "AS IS". No warranty of any kind can be given for damage caused through Toyland directly or indirectly or any other way. If the program should prove defective, the purchaser assumes the risk of paying the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction and any incidental or consequential damages. In no event will Rainald Menge be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use or the inability to use this product even if Rainald Menge has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Permission to copy and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without charging more than a nominal fee for copying is hereby granted, provided that this text and the copyright notice appear in all copies and both appear in supporting documentation as well as the notice that this is a beta version of Toyland. ═══ 2.4. Where to Find More Information ═══ Here is information for those interested in learning more about Toyland, exchanging experiences and levels, or obtaining the latest version. You can check out the Toyland Web Page at http://www.uni-koeln.de/~a0085/Toyland.html http://www.wilmington.net/bmtmicro/catalog/toyland/Toyland.html You can join The Toyland Mailing List: To subscribe to the list send a message to maiser@its.flint.umich.edu (any subject). First line of the body of the message should be: subscribe toyland To send to the list, address the message to toyland@its.flint.umich.edu. However only members of the list may post - so you have to subscribe first. You can contact me (see How to Contact the Author.) ═══ 2.5. How to Contact the Author ═══ You can contact me via email at: menge@rrz.uni-koeln.de You can reach me via postal mail: Rainald Menge Wahlscheider Str. 14 D-51109 KФln Germany ═══ 3. Playing Toyland ═══ You can play Toyland using the keyboard or the mouse. o What Do You Have to Do? o Using the Keyboard. o Using the Mouse. Related Topics: Creating Your Own Levels ═══ 3.1. Basic Rules ═══ You move T(r)oy and have to reach the bead. Every figure has 12 beads (just as T(r)oy has), so each level has a different bead. The way to the bead is blocked by different objects depending on the world the level belongs to: o HOBBES o CHESS o CPUs ═══ 3.2. Using the keyboard ═══ You can more T(r)roy using the arrow keys. Future versions will have an extra option to set your private keys. You can activate / deactivate the keyboard in the options dialog. ═══ 3.3. Using the Mouse ═══ When you activate the mouse in the options dialog the pointer will change to an arrow when moving it across the playfield. When you left-click the mouse, T(r)oy will move in the respective direction if possible. When mouse movement is disabled, the pointer will not change. Related Topics: Using the Keyboard, Placing Objects in Edit Mode ═══ 4. Control ═══ This section describes various ways to control certain features of the game. It is divided into three parts: o The structure of the menu o The buttons of the toolbar in play mode. o Description of the control items with their respective menu, toolbar, and keyboard access. Related Topics: Playing Toyland ═══ 4.1. The Menu ═══ o File - New... - Export... - Import... - Options... o Level - Next - Previous o Player - Login... - Select Puppet... o Moves - Undo - Redo last move - Quicksave last move - Quickload last move - Restart Level o Mode - Play Mode - Edit Mode - Test Mode Related Topics: The Toolbar ═══ 4.2. The Toolbar ═══ The toolbar gives easy access to some functions. It changes depending on the current mode. Doubleclick one of these buttons to get more information: Related Topics: The Menu, The Edit Toolbar ═══ 4.3. Description ═══ This chapter describes the control items. o Restart the current level o Undo last move o Redo last move o Quicksave last move o Quickload last move o Information on the current level o Pause the game o Enter edit mode o Enter play mode o Enter test mode o Options dialog o Go to the next level o Go to the previous level o Login o Select Puppet o Create a new level o Export the current level o Import a previously exported level Related Topics: The Menu, The Edit Toolbar ═══ 4.3.1. Restart ═══ o Press the toolbar button shown above o Menu item Moves, Restart Level o Press ESC Use this if you are stuck - e.g. when you blocked yourself so you can't move anymore or you dropped balls you would have needed. If you move only one step in the wrong direction use undo instead! Toyland keeps track of the numbers of restarts you need to finish a level. Although this is not yet shown in the statistics it will be in future versions. So you can not only compare your times / moves but can also find out who needs the fewest retries. ═══ 4.3.2. Undo ═══ o Press the toolbar button shown above o Menu item Moves, Undo o Press Backspace This can be used if you moved too far or in the wrong direction. Toyland has a multiple undo feature which allows undoing up to nine steps. You can also redo undone steps. ═══ 4.3.3. Redo ═══ o Menu item Moves, Redo o Press Ctrl + Backspace Redo a previously undone step. See undo for more information. ═══ 4.3.4. Quicksave ═══ o Menu item Moves, Quicksave Set a marker at the current position. You can quickly return to the position with quickload. Note: the position is not saved to disk. It is only valid while playing one level. It will be lost when ending Toyland or playing another level. ═══ 4.3.5. Quickload ═══ o Menu item Moves, Quickload Return to a position marked with quicksave. ═══ 4.3.6. Level Information ═══ o Press the toolbar button shown above o Menu item Level, Information o Press Ctrl-i This shows a dialog with the information on the current level. It has these items: o The current world. o The name of the level o The password to access this level (not yet used) o The author of the level o The best time - if it has been finished by anybody o The fewest moves needed to finish - if it has been finished ═══ 4.3.7. Pause ═══ o Press the toolbar button shown above This one pauses the game until you press the button again. ═══ 4.3.8. Edit Mode ═══ o Press the toolbar button shown above o Menu item Mode, Edit Mode o Press F8 This one enters the edit mode where you can design your own levels. It is only active when you are in play mode. See "Creating Your Own Levels" for more information ═══ 4.3.9. Play Mode ═══ o Menu item Mode, Play Mode o Press F7 This one enters the play mode. Use this to play the levels which come with Toyland. If you want to play your private levels use test mode instead. Test mode will be activated when importing a level. Play mode is the default mode when starting Toyland. ═══ 4.3.10. Test Mode ═══ o Menu item Mode, Test Mode o Press F9 This one enters the test mode. Use this to play your private levels. To play the levels which come with Toyland use play mode. Test mode will be activated when importing a level. ═══ 4.3.11. Options ═══ o Menu item File, Options Use this to open the options notebook: ═══ 4.3.12. Next Level ═══ o Menu item Level, Next o Keyboard: PageUp Go to the next level if you are allowed to. You are allowed to move to the next level, if you have finished the current level before and you are not in the final level of a mission (the final level is always level 12). ═══ 4.3.13. Previous Level ═══ o Menu item Level, Previous o Keyboard: PageDown Go to the previous level if you are not in the first level of a set. ═══ 4.3.14. Login ═══ o Menu item Player, Login Use this to change the current player or add another player. If your name is on the list simply click on the name in the listbox (you may also enter your name in the entryfield). If this is your first time in Toyland type your name in the entryfield and press the Add button. Related topics: Login Dialog ═══ 4.3.15. Select Puppet ═══ o Menu item Player, Select Puppet This is used to select the puppet you want to rescue. For each puppet you have to finish 12 levels and one final level - you might find secret levels as well. Both - secret and final levels - are not yet available! Related topics: Select Puppet Dialog ═══ 4.3.16. New Level ═══ o Menu item Level, New... o Keyboard F2 Create a new level. You can set the size of the playfield, select the world, give a name and password for the level as well as your name. However you will only be able to save the level in the registered version. See "Creating Your Own Levels" for more information. Related Topics: Creating Your Own Levels, New / Export Dialog ═══ 4.3.17. Export Level ═══ Registerd version only! o Menu item Level, Export... This is used to export a private level to a file. You can change the name, author, and password of the level at this point - however you can't change the size or world of the level (of course!). The files generated are flat ASCII (7-bit) - so you can easily send them via email. This gives you the opportunity to echange levels with other people on the internet - one good place would be the Toyland mailing list. Future version will have a mission editor where you can combine your own (or your friends') levels to create rescue missions (12 levels make one rescue mission). Related topics: New / Export Dialog, Import Level ═══ 4.3.18. Import Level ═══ Registerd version only! o Menu item Level, Import... This is used to import private levels. See Export for more information. ═══ 5. Creating Your Own Levels ═══ Toyland is not limited to the levels which come with the game. You are free to create your own levels in an easy way by using the built in editor. In the registered version you can export these levels to 7-bit encoded files. You can import these levels later, create your own rescue missions combining your levels with the built in set, or give your levels to your friends. You can even email your levels to other people since they use 7-bit ASCII. If you chose to join the Toyland mailing list, you can exchange your levels with all members of the list - and receive the levels other people created. o Entering edit mode o The toolbar in edit mode ═══ 5.1. Entering the Edit Mode ═══ To enter the edit mode do one of the following: o Press the toolbar button shown above o Select the menu item Mode, Edit Mode o Press F8 ═══ 5.2. The Edit Toolbar ═══ When you enter the edit mode the toolbar changes. The toolbar objects shown will be specific to the level you are using. The right-most button is used to select the eraser. To select an object simply press the respective button. Some buttons have a small right triangle in the bottom right corner (e.g. the arrows) - hold the right button on these buttons to get a popup menu with more items (there are 12 different arrows for example). Select from the toolbars below to get the description of the respective object. Edit toolbar for HOBBES: Edit toolbar for CHESS: Edit toolbar for CPUs: ═══ 5.2.1. T(r)oy ═══ This is your figure, Troy. When you create your own level you always need him - and he may only be once in a level. That means you cannot simply place another object on Troy - first you have to move him to another square. When you place Troy he will disappear from the old position. (The same goes for the goal). ═══ 5.2.2. The goal ═══ This is the goal - a bead. You cannot change the way it looks since it depends on the level being played. When you create your own level you always need exactly one goal. You are not allowed to simply put another object on the goal - first you have to move it to another square. When you place the goal it will disappear from the old position (the same goes for Troy). ═══ 5.2.3. The Eraser ═══ Only available in Edit Mode! Use this to delete objects from the playfield. Simply click on an item to delete it. ═══ 5.3. Placing and Deleting Objects ═══ To place the selected object (from the toolbar) simply left-click on the desired square. The current square will be highlited. To erase an object, first select the eraser from the toolbar and left-click on the object you want to delete. ═══ 6. HOBBES ═══ Holes or Balls Being Everywhere State HOBBES o The State HOBBES o Objects in HOBBES ═══ 6.1. The State HOBBES ═══ HOBBES is fun for the puppets who like ball games. Here they find balls, holes to put them in and arrows to slide. Since many balls have been stolen from this state certain rooms were closed with doors (but some keys lie around everywhere...). The greatest problem of this world are those little pools of water which are a result of holes in the roofs (which can be found in many gymnasiums). ═══ 6.2. Objects in HOBBES ═══ The edit toolbar has all the objects of HOBBES. Doubleclick an item to get the respective description! ═══ 6.2.1. Walls ═══ Walls can not be passed, can not be crossed, will not disappear. Actually they are simply there to block your movement. ═══ 6.2.2. Doors ═══ Doors can only be passed with a key - but since the government of HOBBES used the same lock on every door any key opens any door. There are two type of doors - horizontal and vertical doors. They can only be passed in the right direction, i.e. either left or right (vertical doors) or up or down (horizontal doors). ═══ 6.2.3. Keys ═══ Keys are used to open the doors. When you move to a place with a key you will pick it up if you aren't carrying one already. If you already have a key you can pick up other keys later. You can enter squares with keys in that case - but won't have more than one key at a time. Balls can not be moved to keys. ═══ 6.2.4. Arrows ═══ Arrows can only be entered from the tail and will be left at the head - if there is no blocking object. If there is, you can leave them in any direction you desire. Balls can be pushed on arrows. They will move until they leave the arrow or are blocked. Keep track of the balls lying on arrows because even if a ball is on an arrow path, the arrow remains active and can only be entered from it's tail. However if a ball is blocked on an arrow it can be pushed away (from the tail only) - e.g. if a ball is blocked on an arrow going from down to right you can push it up. Blocked balls will move away as soon as the blocking object disappears - e.g. if a ball is blocked by a key it will continue to move as soon as you take the key and leave the square. ═══ 6.2.5. Balls ═══ Balls can be pushed to - and only to: o Empty squares o Arrow tails (see arrow description for more info) o Open doors o Holes - in which they will drop You can only move one ball at a time. ═══ 6.2.6. Holes ═══ Holes can not be entered - but you can drop a ball into a hole which makes it behave like an empty square. Only one ball per hole please. ═══ 6.2.7. Water ═══ Water - well - puppets don't like water but they don't really refuse to cross it - however they will leave the square at once in the direction they are moving (if possible - if not they are so confused that they don't leave it in another direction even if possible so you will have to help T(r)oy decide in which direction to continue). Balls can not be pushed into water! That's weird but true. ═══ 7. CHESS ═══ Chess Has Everyone Stimulated State (CHESS) o The State CHESS o Objects in CHESS ═══ 7.1. The State CHESS ═══ CHESS is the only monarchy in Toyland. Although it is part of the Toyland federation it has it's own laws. One of this laws (which is not accepted by the federation) has the following text: ї 739(a) Any item that does not belong to a citizen of CHESS is property of the king There is more than one king in CHESS and they simply take what they find. That makes it hard to regain lost treasures... The citizens of CHESS behave like chess-pieces but they won't capture each other. While there are some rooms in which you only have to free the way to the bead there are others where you have to take care of the king(s). They can be stalemated (however they won't give up - as soon as they can move they will continue their way). Note: The chess pieces have been taken and modified from a POV-Ray picture by Ville Saari - with his kind permission. Thanks, Ville! ═══ 7.2. Objects in CHESS ═══ The edit toolbar has all the objects of CHESS. Doubleclick an item to get the respective description! ═══ 7.2.1. White Pawns ═══ The white pawns can be moved one square up - they can not be pushed down, to the right or left. ═══ 7.2.2. Black Pawns ═══ Black pawns can be moved one square down - they can not be pushed up, to the right or left. ═══ 7.2.3. White Knights ═══ White knights can jump and will always jump two squares forward and one step to the right. That is if you stand left of it and move it it will move two squares to the right and one square down. They can jump over other items but the target has to be an empty square. ═══ 7.2.4. Black Knights ═══ Black knights do the same as white knights but will jump two squares forward and one step to the left - e.g when you stand left of it and move it, it will move two squares to the right and one square up. ═══ 7.2.5. Rooks ═══ Rooks (black and white) will move until they hit another figure or the border. ═══ 7.2.6. Kings ═══ Kings can not be moved or passed. They try to steal the bead. Although they do not respect the rules of the federation of Toyland, they respect the rules of CHESS. So they will only move when you move any figure, and they will only move one square each time - but they can move in all eight directions. ═══ 8. CPUs ═══ Circuits Press U State (CPUs) o The State CPUs o Objects in CPU ═══ 8.1. The State CPUs ═══ This is the state of blink and beep. Remember the times playing around with those little LEDs and buttons? When 0101 + 0001 was 0110? Well the puppets prefer different mathematics. They rather tend to do it this way: RED + GREEN = YELLOW. And CPU is where they play around with those colorful buttons and LEDs. ═══ 8.2. Objects in CPU ═══ The edit toolbar has all the objects of CHESS. Doubleclick an item to get the respective description! ═══ 8.2.1. LEDs ═══ The LEDs will change from up to down and vice versa when pressing any button that contains the right color. Look at the color table. ═══ 8.2.2. Buttons ═══ The buttons can be pushed - however they will come up as soon as they have been pressed so you can not stand on a button. If possible you will be thrown to the next square - if this one is blocked you will be thrown to the square you came from. The buttons will change the LEDs as soon as they have been pressed so if you enter a red button which has a lowered LED behind it you will be thrown back because the LED comes up as soon as you enter the button thereby blocking your way. The only way to leave a button to left or right is when the way behind the button is blocked and the way back gets blocked when you push the button, e.g. when you enter a button at a wall from the LED which matches the button's color. Look at the the color table to see which button colors match which LED colors. ═══ 8.3. Colors in CPU ═══ The colors match as follows: ═══ 9. Dialogs ═══ o Login o Options o Puppet Selection o New Level and Export Level o Level Information ═══ 9.1. Login Dialog ═══ Use this dialog to change the current player or add another player. o The entryfield has the name of the current player. Enter a new name and press the Add button to add a new player. You can also type the name of a different player to select him or her. o The listbox contains all available players. Select a player to make him or her active. If you do so the name in the entryfield will change. o Press OK to accept the current player. o Press Add To add the name from the entryfield to the player list. If the name is already in the list it will be selected in the listbox and become active. o The Delete button is reserved for future use when each player will have a personal password. You will be able to delete players from the list with this button. ═══ 9.2. Options Dialog ═══ The options notebook has various pages: o Sound o Control o Speed o Dialogs ═══ 9.2.1. Sound Options ═══ o Sound checkbox: select if you want to have sound o Moving sound checkbox: select if you want to have sound with every move. This one is disabled when sound is switched off. o Sound volume slider: set volume for all sounds o Music checkbox: enables / disables music o Music volume slider: set volume for the music ═══ 9.2.2. Control Options ═══ o Keyboard checkbox: use the arrow keys to move T(r)oy o Mouse checkbox: use the mouse to move T(r)oy o Joystick checkbox: enables / disables the joystick. If enabled the game will prompt for calibration. Hint: if you want to recalibrate the joystick disable the joystick and enable it again. ═══ 9.2.3. Speed Options ═══ o Use the slider to set the animation speed. ═══ 9.2.4. Dialogs Options ═══ o Startup checkbox: Show the startup dialog each time. It can only be deselected in the registered version. o Login checkbox: Show the login dialog when starting Toyland. If this is deselected the last active player will start the game. o No sound warning checkbox: Show a warning if the sound device is not ready. If you don't have a soundcard deselect this option or you will always get a warning. If you have a soundcard you might want to see the warning when the sound device is not ready. o Joystick warning checkbox: show a warning if the joystick or the joydriver is not available. Disable this if you don't want to use a joystick at all. o Graphics warning checkbox: Show a warning if the requested graphics DLL is not found. The requested DLL is either the autodetected or the one given by a parameter. ═══ 9.3. Puppet Dialog ═══ o To select a puppet use the slider on the top of the dialog. As you change your selection the picture. will change and so will the description of the puppet and the o The picture shows the puppet to rescue. o The text under the picture gives a short description of the puppet and the levels to expect. o If you did not register Toyland yet all but the first puppet will have the additional text "Registered version only" (Click here for information on how to register Toyland). o Press the OK button to rescue the selected puppet. The button will be disabled for all puppets but Sharee Ware in the non registered version. o Press Cancel to continue the current rescue mission. ═══ 9.4. New / Export Dialog ═══ When you create a new level or export the current level the same dialog comes up but the fields for level size and world are disabled in the export dialog. o Type the title of the level in the title entryfield. o Type the password (for future use) for the level in the password entryfield o Enter your name in the author entryfield. o (New level dialog only) Set the size of the playfield in the columns and rows entryfield o (New level dialog only) Select the world (state) for the new level in the worlds listbox. ═══ 9.5. Level Information Dialog. ═══ The level information dialog shows: o The current world. o The name of the current level o The password to access this level (for future use) o The author of the level o The best time - if it has been finished by anybody o The fewest moves to finish - if it has been finished ═══ 10. Registering Toyland ═══ Toyland is Shareware. So there is a Shareware version which features some of the levels and features available and a Full Version which has more levels and features. When you register Toyland you get a private registration code which enables all features of Toyland. The registration is valid for all future versions of Toyland. The registration fee for Toyland is 25 US$ / 37 DM o Cash or Eurocheque registration o Register from Germany o World wide: register via BMT Micro (credit cards, cheques, etc.) It is illegal to use a registration code you did not pay for. If you come across an illegal registration file please mail it to me so I can block that code in future versions. Your help will be appreciated and I will not hold it against you! I am a private software developer and this is no product from a big company so you actually will hurt somebody by pirating the game. Please be fair! ═══ 10.1. Cash or Eurocheque order ═══ Send Cash or a Eurocheque (37 DM) via registered mail (Einschreiben) to: Rainald Menge Wahlscheider Str. 14 D-51109 KФln Germany Please include your full name - required for the registration code. ═══ 10.2. Register from Germany ═══ Innerhalb Deutschlands kann per BankБberweisung oder -einzahlung bezahlt werden. Bitte 37,- DM auf eines der folgenden Konten zahlen: ┌───────────────┬────────────────────┐ │EmpfДnger │Rainald Menge │ ├───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │KtoNr │2366656 │ ├───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │Geldinstitut │Deutsche Bank KФln │ ├───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │BLZ │370 700 60 │ └───────────────┴────────────────────┘ oder: ┌───────────────┬────────────────────┐ │EmpfДnger │Rainald Menge │ ├───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │KtoNr │397206508 │ ├───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │Geldinstitut │Postbank KФln │ ├───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │BLZ │370 100 50 │ └───────────────┴────────────────────┘ Als Verwendungszweck geben Sie bitte Toyland-Registrierung und Ihren Name an. Bitte senden Sie mir in Ihrem eigenen Interess bei Ъberweisung zusДtzlich eine email oder einen Brief, da der Absender nicht immer vollstДndig erkennbar ist! ═══ 10.3. Register via BMT Micro ═══ BMT Micro offers various ways to register Toyland: Mail Orders To: BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 9:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800) 414-4268 (orders only) (910) 791-7052 Fax Orders: (910) 350-2937 24 hours / 7 Days Online Orders via modem: (910) 350-8061 10 lines, all 14.4K (910) 799-0923 Direct 28.8K line Orders via telnet: bmt.wilmington.net Ordering and general ordering questions: ┌────────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐ │Via AOL: │bmtmicro │ ├────────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │via Compuserve: │Thomas Bradford, 74031,307 │ ├────────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │via Internet: │thomas.bradford@bmtmicro.com │ └────────────────┴──────────────────────────────┘ accepted: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners, American Express, Money Order, Cashiers Check, Personal Check. BMT Micro also accepts cash (USD, DM and sterling) but please send via registered mail. ═══ 11. Starting Toyland ═══ If you run Toyland from and OS/2 window make sure to start the game from the Toyland directory, i.e. the directory which has the executable. If you create your own WPS object for Toyland make sure to set the Working Directory to the directory which has the executable. If you prefer to run the installer it will create a folder with a program object for you. This object already has the correct settings. Toyland examines your system so you do not have to set any system values for color depths, availability of MMOS/2, etc. However you can use parameters when starting Toyland to overide the defaults. ═══ 11.1. Parameters ═══ Toyland accepts these parameters: ┌────────────┬───────────────┐ │Parameter │Description │ ├────────────┼───────────────┤ │-256 │always 256 │ │ │color mode │ ├────────────┼───────────────┤ │-hicolor │always hicolor │ │ │mode │ └────────────┴───────────────┘ ═══ 11.2. Graphics ═══ Toyland comes with two DLLs for graphics: o graphhi.dll has hicolor (65k colors) graphics. o graph256.dll has 256 color graphics. Toyland detects the number of colors and tries to load the respective dll so normally you don't have to worry about choosing the correct graphics. However you can override the detection with parameters when starting Toyland. ═══ 11.3. MMOS/2 ═══ Toyland checks if MMOS/2 is installed on your system. It does not require MMOS/2 however it will neither have sound nor music when MMOS/2 is not installed. ═══ 12. Installing Toyland ═══ Although you don't need to install Toyland it has some advantages: o WPS objects are created for your o You may install the files you want. So you can exclude certain files from the installation, e.g. if you never run OS/2 in hicolor you may spare some disk space by not installing the hicolor dll. o By using IBM's standard install programm Toyland has a service level when installed thus you can easily update Toyland with a new version. o The install programm offers a choice to delete the product (i.e. Toyland) from your system. This deletes the files (of course only those installed - not those from the source of installation) and the WPS objects. To start the install utility simply type install from the base directory of the unzipped files. You will have to choice the components you want to install. You need the following files: o The executables o At least one of the graphics packages o The levels (you don't actually need those but you can only use private levels when not installing the level data) Make sure that you either keep the install utility or any other similar utility (e.g. the one from Visual Age) to remove Toyland (if you really should ever choose to delete it from your system ;-) Toyland does not change the system or user profile (os2.ini / os2sys.ini) or your config.sys. So you can easily remove Toyland manually by deleting the files and WPS objects. However if you choose to use the install utility to install Toyland I strongly recommend to use the same utility to remove it. Future version might change system settings. ═══ 12.1. Uninstalling Toyland ═══ To uninstall Toyland rerun the install utility and select Delete and Reinstall. Remove all packages but do not reinstall any. ═══ 12.2. Installing additional components ═══ To install additional components simply rerun the install utility and select those components you want to add. ═══ 12.3. Updating / Installing new version ═══ To update your Toyland version with a newer simply run the install utility from the new version and either select Update Product or Delete and Reinstall. Reinstalling may be the better choice since some files may not be in new versions but will not be deleted from your harddisk if simply updating. ═══ 13. Errors and Warnings ═══ o Graphics - xxx.dll not found - using yyy.dll instead - No graphics library found! - Toyland needs at least 256 colors! o Sound - Sound device not ready! - Could not connect to MMOS/2! o Joystick - Warning: Joystick not ready! ═══ 13.1. Graphics Warning: missing dll ═══ Message: o graph256.dll not found using graphhi.dll instead o graphhi.dll not found using graph256.dll instead What happens? Toyland wants to load a DLL which is not installed on your system so it uses the alternative DLL instead. Reason: Usually this warning occurs if you: o did not install a DLL because you thought you would not use it anyway but changed the system settings to a higher or lower color depths. o did not install the hicolor DLL to save disk space and did not run Toyland with the -256 parameter. Workaround: Do one of the following: o install the additional DLL. o start Toyland with either -hicolor or -256 to override color detection o disable Graphics Warning in the Options Dialog. o simply ignore the warning. However if you run your system in 256 colors and Toyland uses the hicolor DLL the graphics will look damaged - the other way round is no problem at all just not that good looking. ═══ 13.2. Graphics Error: no graphics library found! ═══ Message: No graphics library found! What happened? Toyland does not find any graphics DLL. Reason: This error occurs if: o no graphics DLL has been installed. o Toyland is started from another directory than the base directory (the one with the Toyland executable) Workaround: If you did not install any graphics DLL do so. Start Toyland from the directory where the executable (Toyland.exe) can be found. If you start from a program object set the working directory to that base directory. ═══ 13.3. Graphics Error: too few colors ═══ Message: Toyland needs at least 256 colors! Reason: Toyland needs 256 or more colors to run. It will not run with 16 colors. Workaround: Set your system to at least 256 colors. ═══ 13.4. Sound Warning: could not connect to MMOS/2! ═══ Message: Could not connetc to MMOS/2. What happened? Loading the Toysound.DLL failed. Reason: This warning can have these reasons: o You did not install sound or deleted the Toysound.DLL. o Your computer does not have MMOS/2 installed. Workaround: If you do not want to have sound and music, disable the MMOS/2 warning in the options dialog. If you do want to hear sound you do have to install MMOS/2 for your OS/2 system and the sound component for Toyland. If the latter is missing do install it. ═══ 13.5. Sound Warning: sound device not ready! ═══ Message: Warning: Sound device not ready! What happened? Toyland failed to get access to a sound device. Reasons: This can have one of the following reasons: o you do not have a sound device o the sound device is blocked by another application. Workaround: If the sound device is blocked free it before running Toyland. If you do not have a sound device you might want to disable this warning in the options dialog. ═══ 13.6. Joystick Warning: Joystick not ready! ═══ Message: Warning: Joystick not ready! What happened? Toyland failed to get access to the joystick. Reasons: This can have one of the following reasons: o you do not have a joystick installed o the joystick driver is not installed Workaround: Install the driver if this is the problem. If you do not have a joystick or do not want to install the driver you might want to disable this warning in the options dialog. ═══ 14. The Music ═══ I have collected songs from various artists for Toyland. Here is a list of the songs, the composers, and midi authors. Music in Hobbes: o Hobbes1.mid: Title: Unknown (yes this is the title ;-) Composer: Van-Lam Nguyen Midi by: Van-Lam Nguyen o Hobbes2.mid: Title: Opposite Sides - Part 1 Composer: Van-Lam Nguyen Midi by: Van-Lam Nguyen o Hobbes3.mid: Title: Endless Composer: Van-Lam Nguyen Midi by: Van-Lam Nguyen Music in Chess: o Chess1.mid: Title: Ballade in F major, Op 38. Composer: F. Chopin Midi by: Robert Finley Music in CPU: o CPU1.mid: Title: Showman's Fancy Traditional Midi by: Babyduck o CPU2.mid: Title: Miss Monohan Traditional Midi by: Babyduck o CPU3.mid: Title: Stack of Barley Traditionl Midi by: Babyduck o CPU4.mid: Title: Black Velvet Band Traditional Midi by: Babyduck ═══ 14.1. Midi Authors ═══ Here is a list of the authors whose songs are used in Toyland: o Babyduck (babyduck@escape.com) did the Irish folk songs used in CPU. o Robert Finley (ROBERTFINLEY@delphi.com) did the classical Chopin tune used in Chess o Van-Lam Nguyen (nguyen@ensibull.imag.fr) composed (!) the songs used in Hobbes. ═══ 15. I would love to thank... ═══ My family for their patience, The beta testers of Toyland, The web-page maintainers who put a link to the Toyland page on their page GNU for doing a great compiler and editor, Eberhard Mattes for porting them to OS/2, The POV-Ray team for creating a great free raytracer, Michael Plate for porting POV-Ray to OS/2, Ville Saari for giving me the permission to use his chess sources for POV-Ray, Daniel Ginsberg for his help with this online help, All who encouraged me after reading my web page, All registered users for supporting